Sunday, December 12, 2004


I went to the theatre today after a really long time (have taken to renting all the movies i want to watch ), the only decent multiplex in madras.Apart from seeing half the girls from my college there, which i should have expected on a sunday afternoon , i was pleasantly surprised to find that madras contains good looking men. Even if only a small fraction of the general junta.

Now this may shock you. And i mean no offense to all the guys here who think highly of their physical attributes.But i have always carried the impression that madras was seriously deficient of really good looking chaps.Now this is'nt just my warped idea. I have found many girls i know and several i don't know except as acquaintances , feel the much same. Ofcourse , we don't mean that there are none at all but when u compare with a city like b'lore which seems to be flooded with the "hero" types, that's how it appears.

Now , that's really not a big deal. I sort of just accepted it as one of nature's anomalies. We can't expect uniform distribution of good looks. Or intelligence or anything. Things in real life are never ideal. Besides , i consoled myself with believing that atleast guys in madras make up by seriously contributing to the brains department.(my city's

The only people of any interest to me , are the intelligent and the good looking . Oh does'nt that make me sound chauvinistic, infact sound like a guy!!!(lol...;-) ) But i have good reason and i don't mean to say that i don't value people who are neither...that is not what i mean at all. It's just that when all one intends is to know someone as a casual acquaintance , or as someone else's boyfriend and all u're expected to do is to meet up with them every now and then and sit around a small table or on a couch and sip coffee. It really does make the process more enjoyable if they fall into one of the above two categories. I really don't care if he's "really really nice" except ofcourse in a superficial way to be glad that my friend(s) (and I) know a "nice" guy...rare as they are!!

So if he's intelligent , we'd atleast have some sort of a conversation.And if he's just good looking then atleast the meaningless chitter chatter is easily attended to , and the awkward silences are pleasant 'cos atleast u can just gaze at the guy in an expectant sort of manner as if waiting for him to drop some pearls of wisdom your way while subtly appreciating god's handiwork that is his gorgeous self. Usually , however, by then someone at the table has said something .lol...and the awkwardness of silence gets broken...and one has to go back to the pretence of being interested in a mundane conversation.
Anyway , getting back to madras and it's guy population. I sort of figured that my theory could'nt possibly be right. Despite my above statement about nature's anomalies!! Come makes sense mathematically that more or less there have to be approximately the same fraction of hot the same ratio as in any other place. So how is it that when i am in commercial street or brigade road in b'lore , i seem to come across so many guys who could land modeling contracts (i mentioned this to a couple of guys i know...and they said the same thing about the girls in b' ) It can't be that b'lore filled with beautiful people and we are'nt. So I seriously started examining this , 'cos it was just not statistically probable.

Here's what i came up with: Until pretty recently , there was'nt any one place that the youth of madras converged upon. In the sense that there is no commercial street or brigade's here!( please , if u're gonna suggest pondy bazaar..i beg that u bears no similarity) So , the haunts are usually elliots beach , spencer's (offlate...but that has a mixed crowd...) and a couple of other coffee pubs distributed about the city...ofcourse this is night life apart..That's one place where goodlooking people seem to sprout out of nowhere from. Where are all of these people during the day... Since i did'nt see 'em , I made the erroneous assumption of doubting their existence.

Today , however , I stand corrected. Satyam (the multiplex) , apart from the usual crowd of losers that just hang around endlessly , seemed to be buzzing with madras's youth. And it afforded me such relief . I don't mind being wrong when the consequences are pleasant.

Lol...well ,much good that discovery does for me anyhow. Wow..and i began intending to write about "Ocean's Twelve" which is the movie i went to see this afternoon. Well apart from hooting everytime george clooney came on...and the rather nice screen play..the movie is disappointing... It is so predictably unpredictable. The plot was highly ridiculous and much too laboured upon . Instead of coming through as complex , it ended up seeming all tangled up.Steven soderbergh would do well to remember that sequels usually suck!!!! (atleast they are definitely disappointing as compared to the first one...especially when there are too many stars and this one definitely falls into that category) .But it was definitely not a waste of time.Even though the plot was dumb , the dialogue was great and hilarious. Had me totally cracked up. Catherine Zeta-Jones can't act for nuts!!! Although she did look gorgeous, which is all the guys really care about i suppose. lol.. Well in any case, It was a fun movie , and that's all one must expect i suppose...Entertainment!!


Unknown said...

kinda surprising that ur feelings abt the movie tend to conadict most movie critics viewpoints abt the movie. but then everyone has their opinion and since i havent seen the movie as yet i shudnt be commenting. good to see u getting to see some good looking men. thankfully u didnt go into the details of the requiements for guy to be hunk. hope u succed in ur endeavor to find someone who is smart, a hunk and is single.

best of luck for that


Mercury said...

Swapnil, my aim in life is not to find a nice guy and settle down...there are other things to life!

So admiring good looks is one thing but being in a hurry to get hooked is not what my present state of affairs...although umm..occasionally..i tend to feel differently on

Unknown said...

i didnt say it was ur main aim in life.....but i do know it is an ongoin endeavor which is y i wieshed u best of luck...........

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with ur review of Oceans 12. I was a big fan of Oceans 11...if only they could make the real heist a little more fundoo...I would have been satisfied with the movie. The dialogues were really good...
Cant comment on the "greenery" in Chennai coz its been quite some time since I visited Chennai. But when I was there, I always felt the place was a little dry compared to Delhi or Blore..;-) if you get what I mean...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree with ur review of Oceans 12. I was a big fan of Oceans 11...if only they could make the real heist a little more fundoo...I would have been satisfied with the movie. The dialogues were really good...
Cant comment on the "greenery" in Chennai coz its been quite some time since I visited Chennai. But when I was there, I always felt the place was a little dry compared to Delhi or Blore..;-) if you get what I mean...
