Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A Communist America?????

Yesterday , i learned something new, something that should not have surprised me, but did..at the very least it was amusing... The United States Of America have a communist party...

let that sink in...America and Communism...the only time, i thought , people spoke of the two in the same breath , was when they were separated by words like 'against' , 'despises' , 'ridicules' , perhaps even 'loaths' ....

so ,much to my amazement i was told they do exist..ofcourse it does not field a presidential candidate.. well definitely not this election atleast.. but like an american friend of mine said..'america ain't ready for communism...'

First of all , this is'nt to say that the people of america are'nt open to what might or might not be good for their society. (no matter how much it has been brainwashed into them that communism is the enemy) . it has nothing to do with american people. it has to do with people per se.
you can't be told for 3 whole decades or perhaps longer that communism equals russia equals the enemy and expect the common man to grasp and appreciate the greatness of the idea that is communism. (however impracticable it may be...and in my opinion utopian...btw if u are interested u should really read the CPA's idea of a socialist america...fascinating! Here)

Like many people , i am still quite ignorant about all but the very basic ideas of communism. I mean i know what they stand for , but i have no idea how it gets put into practice and how viable it might be to change a society that is so steeped in a "me , myself , money money" attitude..
how many things would change? for a while there would be chaos...but then i suppose everytime there is a change there is bound to be chaos.

So how do u convince a middle class man...that communism is what the country needs. when he has a college buddy that made it big in the dotcoms boom(ofcourse he could have so easily gone down when the bubble burst...but that's the flip side of capitalism..it can't protect against bubbles bursting...) and now drives a merc.. u appeal to his sense of social equality..u say... but social justice does not get him a merc...so why would he want it.. u're average joe maybe charitable and all...but he still wants more for himself... in quality of life (and that ,these days, is dictated to by consumerism-how much u have defines how much u're life is) .

and in my opinion it's too steeped in our psyche to change. except with something drastic. Like the way the french commoners had resigned to being second class until a revolution swept through .or the russians for that matter...(they were'nt always communist)...ofcourse revolution brings too drastic a change which like i said and history has shown us before...leads to years of chaos and a lot of suffering in the process.

But do i really think that's ever gonna happen....nope..simply because every one who is anyone , in positions of power and wealth will do everything that they possibly can to prevent it..their world would cease to exist if america turned communist...(boy..that sounds so strange...lol..) and who would turn it communist then...for all ideas must have poweful backers...or isn't that a prerequirement?? therefore, since it would not suit the purpose of those who could change it... i don't think there is any serious fear of america becoming communist...not that there would be anything to fear really...it would just be very different..but then maybe that's scary...well anyway...

So the question is ..like the communist party states in it's website...is there a peaceful way to change to what they feel would be much better for america?? i really think not...so either society will decline so much that it will be forced to change suddenly and drastically or it will just keep adjusting here and there and evolving along the presently set capitalist path..so the best bet is not to change the system entirely but to sort of build in clauses and conditions to correct as much injustice as possible....which is what we try and do i suppose with out judicial system..

In that way i think our constitution is pretty cool. It sort of seeks to establish a middle ground or so i have always understood... Although it is being manipulated to take us more and more towards complete capitalism.which in my opinion would be a mistake. A folly , we might never recover from ,even though the immidiate benefits might blind us to it's treachery. And NO ...i'm not COMMUNIST(as though that were a crime..lol)...but neither am i CAPITALIST. well maybe i lean towards the latter...which right minded person , i ask you...could object to a merc ..or for that matter a porsche..or the likes of those beauties...well anyway , ideologically i think i'm somewhere in the middle...

well anyway getting back to the CPA and this election... if the communist party seems to see it's contribution for this this election as trying to convince people not vote for George W. Bush then i say...right on!!
there is more antipathy in the world towards him than there is for anyother person right now.or maybe even ever. His own countrymen are disgusted with him.policticians apart... Musicians , Artists , Economists en masse.
and how can we forget for this is the most important , millions and millions of normal people...(lol..or not!!)

There was a poll conducted recently by The Economist , where they interviewed celebrated economists . The findings were pretty unanimous. 90% of them felt Bush's economic policies have set america back by atleast 5-6 years in terms of economic progress .and ofcourse billions and billions of dollars...and that's a fact That is some indictment!!

well if u visit the communist party's website u'll get an idea of why they don't want bush.
(Here) Personally however i don't agree with a quite a bit of their reasoning..but nevertheless a world without a trigger happy bush certainly seems ok by me..

Well enough about bush...if i really got started ...boy.. lol..then i'm sure a lot of people share my sentiments...and it's not just about IRAQ...although that's bad enough...and i'm not even american!!

So would kerry make a better president....i don't know...i've been following this quite a bit 'cos of my interest in politics in general and this being america...it's in all the papers. they do generate a lot of media coverage that's for sure...even in 'remote' india..hmm...well anyway..i think i'll write about bush and kerry another time... better stop now..have to get back to studying for my microprocessor exam which is first...so oh..wish me luck..

well till later then...sayonara


Antimatter said...

interesting !

Unknown said...

hmm......two posts in 24 hrs.........wow u must have a lot of free time....didnt know that micro processors was so easy to study...........and some nice observations.......might at to them in a blog post of my own......have a lot to write on my reading habits ,,,and no i am not gonna be copying ur content..it will be original;).....anyways keep it goin............sorry but i dont have time to come up with a critique on ur work....will do so when i have some time on my hands.


~forpuru said...

hey nice
keep up the work
if you are intrested in economics and stuff
read "The Great Indian Dream - Prof. Arindam Choudhary"
and "Count your chickens b4 they hatch " by same guy
nice stuff
hope to read more soon