Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A Light-Hearted Question And Someone Else's Blog Got Me Started On This...

One question that most of us get asked at some point in time or the other is , what kind of person we would want to be with. Strictly speaking, that's an unfair question because it's extremely changeable. In the sense , that as we grow older our idea of what is important to us changes , or perhaps as some of my more cynical acquaintances would have me say , we just get a little desperate and are more willing to compromise on all those numerous things that we once held absolutely rigid like fetishes about height or any sort of physical appearance and even character traits.

So, ofcourse if one chooses to answer such a question at all , we must only talk about our present state of mind and not how things might be in the future.. like for example i remember a couple of years back thinking that i would never drink , or have sex before i got married... now i find myself, definitely having drank on more than a couple of occasions (although i really did'nt enjoy it at all...i'm told it's an acquired taste) and about the second part..i surprise myself by seriously considering it. (although , despite my extremely open minded views about it...i still don't believe it's such a hot thing for me!).

Anyway , so i was asked this very recently .I think one way of passing time in college when we are quite jobless is to ask each other ridiculous and pointless questions. Me, i ask these questions also because i'm very curious about what people think about everything. Anyway, so considering i've been asked this many times by several different people , i have well rehearsed answer, just waiting for an audience to be remotely interested.

So , all the physical attributes apart, (i'm sure most of us have a pretty good idea about the kind of people we are attracted to) , i was sort of wondering what kind of person i'd like to be around... and i came up with the following...

1) He has to be really intelligent.... call me an intellectual snob but i love ideas ...and i would go mad if when i was talking about something that really fascinated me...all i got in return was a blank sort of look.. ofcourse that's not to say that everything that fascinates me should fascinate him...but he should be atleast capable of having a sensible and logical argument with me...

2) He has to funny...not necessarily in a smart ass kind of way...but a good sense of humour even if slightly quirky is so absolutely would kill me..if he went "huh???" at something that cracked me up...

3) Slightly eccentric would be fun...but not in an obsessive sort of way...that would make him a pain to be but people who are different have always fascinated me...

well , all of the above are absolutely important ...apart from the blah blah of him being a nice guy..which is such a deceptive word really...'cos it's expected to encompass a range of character traits that some times are a bit too unrealistic to expect all in one person...

When i say nice..i mean...not too much of a perv , not too much of an asshole and not a drunk...most other things are "put-up-able"

There! i'm often told that i'm asking for too much...but really i'm not...atleast well i'd would'nt like to think so...

lol....i guess i could add a whole lot more details...but then i might as well forget about it remaining realistic to any degree...

Oh...and swapnil..i seriously considered putting my response for what i said when i was asked what would be my contribution to the relationship...if i found the perfect guy....but then i realised it might end up making me sound far more scandalous than i am capable of so sorry if u expected to see that here...


Anonymous said...

I'm intelligent, funny n eccentric.
r u rich, beautiful n educated?


Mercury said...

would'nt that be and if i was???

i would have everything and u're contribution would'nt;)

Anonymous said...

> would'nt that be and if i was???
we move on to the second subsection :)
2.a how rich?
2.b how beautiful? (on a scale of 1 to 17)
2.c how educated?

> i would have everything and u're contribution
> would'nt;)
you mean fortunately :)
