Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Love Letter

For some reason, seven years past watching this movie.. The words have stuck in my head, having just heard it once.. and I finally found them today.

From The Love Letter , an engaging and refreshingly different movie that I enjoyed immensely..


Do you know how much in love with you I am? Did I trip? Did I stumble - lose my balance, graze my knee, graze my heart?

I know I'm in love when I see you. I know when I long to see you, I'm on fire. Not a muscle has moved. Leaves hang unruffled by any breeze. The air is still. I have fallen in love without taking a step.

You are all wrong for me and I know it, but I can no longer care for my thoughts unless they are thoughts of you. When I am close to you, I feel your hair brush my cheek when it does not. I look away from you sometimes, then I look back. When I tie my shoes, when I peel an orange, when I drive my car, when I lie down each night without you, I remain,


(I just love the last imagery.. "When I peel an orange, I remain ... ")

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Surprise! Surprise?

After watching five concerts in Brussels by big acts.. I suspected as much !!

I think the only really genuine act I saw was Chick Corea .. even though I didn't really understand his often stormy, mostly 'all over the place', 'abstract art' equivalent of music all that well...

Coming in second, I suppose, was Dave Matthews (whom I am going to see again in a couple of weeks (yipee! ) ) But then, I always imagined that he would be a little less contrived... Even if the encore was rehearsed , it was certainly true that the audience pulsed to hear more.. He certainly managed to make the concert personal and intimate. Ofcourse it was a small auditorium and a solo concert.

The absolute pits, you'd be surprised to hear perhaps, was Bob dylan! He played his set so monotonously. Every song sounded like the previous one. It was so tight it seemed like the set was programmed for ten seconds between each song to allow for applause. And finally, the encore was so contrived, I almost groaned aloud. (And I usually get quite into the mood so to speak, at a concert, so if i'm groaning it's because i'm awfully disappointed) Frankly, it seemed to me that he was sick of his own songs after forty years of it and was fucking with everyone by playing them in what seemed like a completely absurd arrangement! I really think I wasted my time going to that concert.. But that's another story!

Monday, May 07, 2007


I've often wondered about how older people view sex, how important it is to them, is it biological reasons that leads to a decline in sexual activity with age..

Captioned "Ten women and men discuss what sex is like when you're old enough to know better." , 'Naked' is a short film by Rachel Dretzin featuring ten 45+ people in different levels on the relationship ladder talking about their sex life. It is intensely personal, often quite centred on the person's feeling. Shot in a staid, serious all-attention-focussed-on-you kind of way, it's a keyhole view into a world we will only know all too well once we get there...

Watch this

I honestly think it gives you some insight into human desires, the human body and our social outlooks.. but I'd like to hear your impressions, if you care to share them.. I had planned to write about it actually, but then decided against it, maybe will think about it more and write later.. for now, would much rather hear what you think..

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


What happens when you get off on the worst foot ever with people you actually need to co-exist with? What if you realise you are just too different and they don't really care one way or another and are quite willing to presume you are a bitch? Do you knuckle down and spend time and effort coaxing them into thinking you are actually a decent human being or do you try to tip toe your way through, hoping you are mostly unnoticed, knowing full well that you will probably never fit in.

To make matters worse, it suddenly dawns on you, that their opinion, although personally unimportant, matters after all in the larger scheme of things... What then?

Well , then, my friend, you shove your precious little tail between your embarrassed legs and lump it! And hope they will be generous enough to reassess what they think, because being ladylike in the 'look pretty, smile a lot and speak when you're spoken to' kind of way should suffice and it is all your pride will allow !!